Space Quotes Ipsum

Word Lists: Space Quotes

And for the first time in your life you feel in your gut the precious unity of the earth and all the living things it supports. a companion with whom i was sailing one very windy but bright moonlight night, when the stars were few and faint, thought that a man could get along with them,*though he was considerably reduced in his circumstances,*that they were a kind of bread and cheese that never failed. a planet is the cradle of mind, but one cannot live in a cradle forever. a satellite vehicle with appropriate instrumentation can be expected to be one of the most potent scientific tools of the twentieth century. a society that no longer moves forward does not merely stagnate; it begins to die. above me i saw something i did not believe at first. after all, englishmen should understand that thrill, they who have been the greatest, the purest explorers. after i give lectures*on almost any subject*i am often asked, "do you believe in ufos?". air navigation is the result of the oceanic navigation: from water the human has to pass in the air. all human exploration's bottom line is about preserving our species over the long haul. aloft, floating free beneath the moist, gleaming, membrane of bright blue sky, is the rising earth, the only exuberant thing in this part of the cosmos. amid this vast and overwhelming space and in these boundless solar archipelagoes, how small is our own sphere, and the earth, what a grain of sand! an analogy such as this may be misleading, and we believe it to be so in this case. and i watched the extent of one ocean touch the shores of separate continents. and it's been a long way, but we're here. and other parts of the world have been doing fine. and so the debate started. and twinkle on the milky way, and you work well, yes, you think well, without sweat, without difficulty as if the biblical curse in the sweat of thy face and in sorrow no longer exists, as if you've been born again. and, as we leave the moon at taurus- littrow, we leave as we came and, god willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind. apollo 16 is gonna change your image...i'm sure glad they got ol' brer rabbit here, back in the briar patch where he belongs..

Half a world to the left, half a world to the right, i can see it all. in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth. a hostile sky. a single life time, even though entirely devoted to research, would not be enough for the investigation of so vast a subject... a truly isolated, small, and creative society will never again be possible on this planet. a very fit consideration, and matter of reflection, for those kings and princes who sacrifice the lives of so many people, only to flatter their ambition in being masters of some pitiful corner of this small spot. after further development these machines will be capable of attaining such velocities that they - left undisturbed in the void of the ether space - will not fall back to earth; furthermore, they will even be able to leave the zone of terrestrial attraction. air navigation is the result of the oceanic navigation: from water the human has to pass in the air. all civilizations become either spacefaring or extinct. all the women in my life were nurses, hairdressers, or secretaries, and that's why i thought my father would not support me in being a pilot. all this enlarges the human horizon... also, if the earth were flat from north to south and vice versa, the stars which were always visible to anyone would continue to be so wherever he went, which is false. and god bless all of you, all of you on the good earth. and i tried to assure this person that that wasn't the case. and if we become extinct because we don't have a space program, it'll serve us right! and it required... and just as jefferson sent lewis and clark to open the continent, our commitment to the moon/mars initiative will open the universe. and other parts of the world have been doing fine. and the enthusiastic support of its people. and the one thing i know about nature is it hates to waste anything. and then it struck me that we are all children of our earth. and this generation does not intend to founder in the backwash of the coming age of space. and when the first contact with the outer universe is made, one would like to think that mankind played an active and not merely a passive role*that we were the discoverers, not the discovered. and without my expiating on this theme, it should be clear that putting little white dots on a blue-black surface is not enough. and yet it moves. and, like homesick travelers abroad, they are focusing their anxieties on home. apollo 13 towing invoice armstrong didn't realize the 'a' was not heard until after he got back to earth. armstrong spoke it at a rate of 35 milliseconds*ten times too fast for it to be audible." neil armstrong issued a statement saying:.

'tis likely enough that there may be means invented of journeying to the moon; and how happy they shall be that are first successful in this attempt. a chinese tale tells of some men sent to harm a young girl who, upon seeing her beauty, become her protectors rather than her violators. a disturbingly high proportion of the intelligent young are discontented because they find the life before them intolerably confining. a few million years ago there were no humans. a good rule for rocket experimenters to follow is this: always assume that it will explode. a hundred billion? "billions and billions" is pretty vague. a spacecraft is a metaphor of national inspiration: majestic, technologically advanced, produced at dear cost and entrusted with precious cargo, rising above the constraints of the earth. across the gulf of centuries, the blind smile of homer is turned upon our age. after a number of seconds it rose, slowly until in cleared the frame, and then at express-train speed, curving over to the left, and striking the ice and snow, still going at a rapid rate. after all, englishmen should understand that thrill, they who have been the greatest, the purest explorers. air navigation is the result of the oceanic navigation: from water the human has to pass in the air. all attempts at artificial aviation are not only dangerous to life but doomed to failure from an engineering standpoint. an undevout astronomer is mad. and even if the requisite fuel were produced, it would still have to be shown that the rocket machine would operate at 459 degrees below zero*the temperature of interplanetary space. and if we are interested in mars at all, it is only because we wonder over our past and worry terribly about our possible future. and it required... and that leads, of course, to a strong suspicion that everybody else can do it if they want to. and that within a century after his death the telescope was invented, and that prediction verified, by galileo,*i am not without hope that we may, even here and now, obtain some accurate information concerning that other world which the instinct of mankind has so long predicted. and twinkle on the milky way, and you see sixteen sunrises and sixteen sunsets every day you're in space. apollo 12, houston. armstrong didn't realize the 'a' was not heard until after he got back to earth..
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