Yoga Glossary Ipsum

Word Lists: Yoga Glossary

A comfortable meditative yoga pose; also called the 'yoga easy pose' or simply the cross-legged pose. a spine twisting pose. a stage in the experience of the rise of kundalini when the breath stops and becomes congealed low in the body. a thin, round flat bread. an experience with the rise of kundalini that is like the buzzing of a black bee. antar mouna ashtanga yoga bahir breathing technique - is the 'alternate nostril breathing' or 'balanced breathing' - balances the energy flow in the channels and purifies the energy channels (nadi) by balancing the flow of breath through the right and left nostrils. cosmic causal state. easy breath flow of breath in the left nostril.

A colon cleansing technique. adho mukha svanasana an experience with the rise of kundalini that is like the buzzing of a black bee. ashtanga namaskara chandra danda dhauti dandayamana dhanurasana dhauti disciple eagle pose, often used in bikram and other forms of yoga. energy lock created by the contraction of the perineum in the male and the cervix in the female. era of time. four ancient texts- rig, yajur, sama, atharva, which are further divided into samhita, brahmana, aranayaka and upanishads. they.

Ananda balasana ardha - kurmasana ardha chandrasana with pada-hastasana ardha dhanurasana ashrama bindu vedha breath retention. breathing technique which involves hissing leading to a cooling effect upon the whole body. compass pose. continuous chanting i.e repetition of a mantra crocodile pose. downward facing dog.. A meditative seating posture "yoga pose" in which the left heel presses the perineum (stimulating the mooladhara chakra); also called as the adept's pose or the 'pose of perfection'. a posture in which organs and muscles are contracted to create energy lock in a specific area. a prop used as an extension of the arm to assist in yoga. a residential place of people living together, teaching or learning yogic tradition, a dwelling of intensive yoga practice. abdominal massage' - a cleansing technique (shatkarma) involving the contraction of the rectus abdominal muscles. ability to control all objects, living and non-living agnisar kriya an experience of the rise of kundalini in which kundalini takes the form of semen. anandamaya kosha asan point auspicious pose -meditative posture similar to siddhasana. avesah bahir kumbhaka basti bhujanga vedha bindu bindu vedha brahmacharya brahmanand buddhi camel pose, often used in bikram yoga. concentrating the attention upon an external object such as a candle flame. cow's face' posture dandayamana dhanurasana dosha dualistic thought of shaivism, emphasis on the rituals, the disciplines, and the service toward masters. eka pada koundiyanasana i energy lock created by the contraction of the perineum in the male and the cervix in the female. firelog pose..
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