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Heisenberg Ipsum
Some mad text, yo - courtesy of Mr. White.
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No! You don't even believe that! Gus has cameras everywhere, please. Listen to yourself! No, he has known everything, all along. Where were you today? In the lab? And you don't think it's possible that Tyrus lifted the cigarette out of your locker? Come on! Don't you see? You are the last piece of the puzzle. You are everything that he's wanted. You're his cook now. You're the cook and you have proven that you can run a lab without me and now that cook has reason to kill me. Think about it! It's brilliant. So go ahead. If you think that I am capable of doing this, then go ahead. Put a bullet, in my head, and kill me right now. DO IT! Do it. Do it. Do it. Saul, Saul... this man that we spoke of before, this... this person that you said could... could disappear me, get me a whole new life and make sure that I'm never found. Yeah I need him, Saul. Gus is gonna murder my whole family. I need this man now. Saul... now, Saul! Anything suspicious? Well... then should we go? Any uh... Cartel news these days? Seems like I'm always reading something or other in the paper. I don't want to talk about it. To you or anyone else. I'm done explaining myself. Gus is dead. We've got work to do.
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