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Word Lists: Dungeons & Dragons

Ability drain ability score change shape character class climb conjuration copper piece damage earth domain enhancement bonus evil domain halfling domain insight bonus level adjustment off hand phantasm subschool player character point of origin points of damage regeneration resistance bonus scent size modifier slime domain spell tanar'ri subtype target vermin type. Ability damaged air domain attack of opportunity blown away cantrip catching on fire circumstance bonus darkness domain dead diminutive dodge bonus effective character level entangled evocation guardinal subtype hardness illusion infection kind line of sight natural reach nonabilities one-handed weapon platinum piece slime domain spontaneous casting take 10 transitive plane use-activated item water dangers.

Attack roll character level conjuration constrict death attack extraplanar fatigued fine granted power miss chance roll movement modes outsider type panicked polymorph ranged attack roll scalykind domain shaken tanar'ri subtype turned undead type. Ability damaged antimagic archon subtype chaos domain compulsion subschool construct type darkness destruction domain direct a spell extraplanar improved evasion law domain level loss natural reach player character ranged attack reflex save resistance bonus skill points spell slot splash weapon summoning subschool telepathic link trample water domain.

Action climb cold dangers constrict cross-class skill dying eladrin subtype energy drain flight frightful presence helpless melee attack poison reaction skill modifier space swarm subtype touch spell vermin type. Base attack bonus battle grid burrow cavern domain character class damage dispel enemy good subtype inherent bonus invisible knocked down level melee natural ability retribution domain skill check smoke effects standard action stunned transmutation.
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