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Tina Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum Generator filled with quotes from yours truly, Tina Belcher.
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Hi boys. I'm Tina. Everyone began to touch each other's butts. It's not meant to be hilarious. It's supposed to be erotic. The hand wants what the hand wants. I've logged over 3,000 fantasy hours on my relationship with Jimmy Jr. You don't just throw that away. Everything I know to be true just went out the window. How do you know a python ate it? Did it leave a note? Just when I think I'm out, those cheeks pull me right back in. I'm a smart, strong, sensual woman. Dad, you're the best pimp a girl could ever have. Just when I think I'm out, those cheeks pull me right back in. I'm torn. Dad raised me, but the shark gets me. Chad the Zombie touched the butt of that girl with the frosted hair from my art class. I think her name is Kristi. There is one place I like to go. The boys' locker room. You can only see up to their ankles. Everything I know to be true just went out the window. I'm torn. Dad raised me, but the shark gets me. How do you know a python ate it? Did it leave a note?
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