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Dingus Ipsum
Words for dum-dums
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Dr. Jimmy Brungus forgot to do rockets. Hippie Joel tastes like cow bathroom. Not for horses. No lonely times just dreams you turkey. Stop, drop and roll bones made from stuff your muscles don't like. Check the expiration date used to love pruppets. Looks like my aunt make up your own puzzles dummy that would be cool dingus password stale out of luck dingus pal eggs spoiled hose it off you bimbo boring ice cubes arm pits computer technologies of your own eat the ants protein ice cream fear napkins flying surfboard take your sister dum dum broo I'm a doctor too. The Doctor's rotten to the core. These are the things that some find scary. This is the show that checks things out. Dingus. Awful Scrary, yes very. It could just be for boys only or men. Dang It! Not all friends are friendly and cuddly some are tough. What do you think I am some kind of rabbit? Cheers. I got more if you need it. Sorry Stunk up the joint dungus. This goes on my dingus, pinched the tip a little bit. Feels tingly. I'm making gravy. AHhhh Ahhhh Ahhhh. Turn this thing off, I'm Dry.
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