Malevole's ipsum generator claims to be for people that are "tired of using Lorem Ipsum for dummy text in their latest masterpiece." Malevole comes out of the gate uber-cocky by stating that their generator "has been developed based on years of careful research and is guaranteed to improve even the most lackluster of designs."
You get a single paragraph count parameter and the generated text appears to be from TV Shows: A-Team, Hong Kong Phooey, Thundercats, Top Cat, Hart to Hart, and Muskehounds are some examples. There are other TV & Movie lorem ipsum generators so this one doesn't bring much new to the table. However, unlike most ipsum generators, this one uses a single subject (TV show) for each paragraph. This might be a selling point for you.
The library of television shows did not appear to be very big, so an obvious improvement would be to expand the data set. It would also be kind to a user to advertise the source of the text being generated because if you aren't a TV freak you might not know where the text is coming from.
I give a small, mad prop to the author for including Thundercats. I always liked that show as a kid.