Bogan Ipsum is dead

This Ipsum Generator is no longer available.

Bogan Ipsum

Dummy text for uneducated New Zealanders


What can I say, I had never heard the term "Bogan" but I did identify with the mascot on this ipsum generator: a stoner with a bleach-blonde buttrock-mullet sporting a cheap canned beer as an accessory. Wikipedia describes a Bogan as a "term of Australian and New Zealand slang, usually pejorative or self-deprecating, for an individual who is recognized to be from an unsophisticated background or someone whose limited education, speech, clothing, attitude and behavior exemplifies a lack of manners and education." From what I can surmise, a Bogan is the Australian version of American White-Trash. The only difference is that Bogans appear to be aware and proud of their existence.

According to the website, this placeholder text generator is brought to you buy "Blastoff," not to be confused with "Blasted" which is what I would gave expected this developer's name to be.

This generator doesn't mess around and spits out dummy text as soon as you get to the home page; no parameters, folks. We're too busy smoking pot, drinking cheap beer, and celebrating being a Bogan to give you options. Clearly, most of the work on this website went into the art direction for the photo. By the way, how did Blastoff get John Mayer to put on a wig and pose for a photo?

Bogan Ipsum
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