Goblin/Ghukliak Ipsum

Word Lists: Goblin/Ghukliak

Awe bive boue čran dusi ouag sildri učihg viani. Bibi podim popi uye. Coyas nyerghe touddek. Behis bihag bobukon cegim dibišod ipe irim kheguk.

Eunti gairéngm ingimase khiwi matan meghihg osar šaneurruhg ubim vianim. Boble bocang bugunase coziku dor edak ghiange iboum ilkum ine inohg kidd nyethun oddam okhim oudi oz udum ugag zehom zudang.

Athe bat čraša dongid ebli eyian ghabzom grétom ilkies khiaghubohg mačat mugguwod nintid purrod rheddeguk šeubon thošmi udum xirri.
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Greater than the (ip)sum of its parts