Jive Ipsum

Word Lists: Jive

Battle boogie-woogie boot come again evil fraughty issue got your glasses on gravy hincty hype kick kill me knock licking the chops melted out moo juice ruff sadder than a map spoutin' twister to the slammer wren wren zoot suit. Beat bible chirp cut rate dime note duke fews and two fruiting gravy latch on lead sheet lily whites man in gray meter mezz off the cob pecking rank ready skins solid threads tick v-8 whipped up.

Armstrongs barrelhouse blip buddy ghee canary guzzlin' foam jeff mash me a fin melted out meter mouse nix out pigeon take it slow trickeration wren. Ain't coming on that tab beat it out brightnin' canary cat cups cut rate down with it killer-diller muggin' murder peola pigeon sadder than a map so help me solid wrong riff zoot suit. A hummer brightnin' dicty down with it foxy lead sheet queen sky piece trickeration yeah, man.

Alligator chick cop early black fine dinner foxy fromby gammin' hide-beater mouse ofay square stand one up threads too much what's your story two cents zoot. Blew their wigs boogie-woogie bree chirp dim fruiting got your boots on hard spiel home-cooking joint is jumping lane left raise lily whites signify square too much v-8 truck zoot. Barbecue creeps out like the shadow cubby domi gravy guzzlin' foam icky lane line ow! rug cutter sad signify trucking too much v-8.
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