Space Quotes Ipsum

Word Lists: Space Quotes

A chinese tale tells of some men sent to harm a young girl who, upon seeing her beauty, become her protectors rather than her violators. a circle of fire coming in the sky, noiseless, one rod long with its body and one rod wide. a hundred billion? "billions and billions" is pretty vague. a man is the best computer available to place in a spacecraft... a manuscript i wrote on january 14, 1918... a new space race has begun, and most americans are not even aware of it. a-ok full go. across the gulf of centuries, the blind smile of homer is turned upon our age. after all, englishmen should understand that thrill, they who have been the greatest, the purest explorers. after further development these machines will be capable of attaining such velocities that they - left undisturbed in the void of the ether space - will not fall back to earth; furthermore, they will even be able to leave the zone of terrestrial attraction. al is on the surface. all human exploration's bottom line is about preserving our species over the long haul. and don't forget one in the command module... and for 50 years, people have been wrong... and that within a century after his death the telescope was invented, and that prediction verified, by galileo,*i am not without hope that we may, even here and now, obtain some accurate information concerning that other world which the instinct of mankind has so long predicted. and we shall only find out what they are if we go out and look for them. and you feel you have so much energy, such an urge to do things, such an ability to do things. and you see sixteen sunrises and sixteen sunsets every day you're in space. another explorer with a famous first*edmund hillary, first to climb mount everest*said it would have been, "better if he had said something natural like, 'jesus, here we are!'" the july 1969 edition of esquire magazine even had as its cover story famous writers discussing what the first words should be. apollo soyuz.

Astronomy is written for astronomers. the diversity of the phenomena of nature is so great, and the treasures hidden in the heavens are so rich, precisely in order that the human mind shall never be lacking in fresh nourishment. in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth. this may seem wild, and visionary; all i maintain is that it is not unscientific. a single life time, even though entirely devoted to research, would not be enough for the investigation of so vast a subject... a single message from space will show that it is possible to live through technological adolescence... after the apollo 13 recovery, grumman aerospace corporation (designers and builders of the lunar module) sent a spoof invoice a441066 to north american rockwell (designers and builders of the command and service modules) for towing the rest of apollo 13 around the moon and home to earth. along the margin of a bay: amid this vast and overwhelming space and in these boundless solar archipelagoes, how small is our own sphere, and the earth, what a grain of sand! an observer situated in a nebula and moving with the nebula will observe the same properties of the universe as any other similarly situated observer at any time. and as we know now, and as i pointed out many times, the great plume of fire at the bottom of the space shuttle is actually dollar bills burning, and the most efficient method of destroying american dollar bills as has ever been devised by man. and different tribes of men, kinds of wild beasts. and even if the requisite fuel were produced, it would still have to be shown that the rocket machine would operate at 459 degrees below zero*the temperature of interplanetary space. and i was right, nobody remembers what the second person said anyhow. and it is this exceptionalism that drives the current scientific thirst for finding life elsewhere, for finding a cosmic mainstream of animation, even civilization, in which the earth can take its place. and makes its circuit to the other; and the only way it's going to happen is to have some kid fantasize about getting his ray gun, jumping into his spaceship, and flying into outer space. and then it struck me that we are all children of our earth. and this generation does not intend to founder in the backwash of the coming age of space. and this perhaps might be made large enough to carry divers men at the same time, together with food for their viaticum and commodities for traffic. and twinkle on the milky way, and we are mistreating it. and we have been that way for thousands of years. and wisdom mounts her zenith with the stars. anyone who sits on top of the largest hydrogen-oxygen fueled system in the world; knowing they're going to light the bottom*and doesn't get a little worried*does not fully understand the situation. armstrong didn't realize the 'a' was not heard until after he got back to earth..

A moment later i found myself think, that can't be a meteor. a nation that loses its forward thrust is in danger, and one of the most effective ways to retain that thrust is to keep exploring possibilities. a single message from space will show that it is possible to live through technological adolescence... after 25 shipboard years, such a ship could even reach the great andromeda galaxy - although over 2 million years would have passed on the earth. after a number of seconds it rose, slowly until in cleared the frame, and then at express-train speed, curving over to the left, and striking the ice and snow, still going at a rapid rate. al is on the surface. all all i see multiplied as high as i can cipher edge but the rim of the farther systems. all of a sudden, it's a place where people can die... along the echoing corridors of time, the roar of the rockets merges now with the creak of the wind-taut rigging. also, if the earth were flat from north to south and vice versa, the stars which were always visible to anyone would continue to be so wherever he went, which is false. and as we know now, and as i pointed out many times, the great plume of fire at the bottom of the space shuttle is actually dollar bills burning, and the most efficient method of destroying american dollar bills as has ever been devised by man. and i felt that that was a fairly critical time, so it surprised me that during that time, neil chose to make the call to houston tranquility base that the eagle has landed. and it's the saddest moment of my life. and we're all going to get a chance to make some contribution. another hundred years may pass before we understand the true significance of apollo. anyone who has spent any time in space will love it for the rest of their lives. apollo 8 has 5,600,000 parts and 1.5 million systems, subsystems and assemblies. are physical forces alone at work there, or has evolution begotten something more complex, something not akin to what we know on earth as life? it is in this that lies the peculiar interest of mars..
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