Dungeons & Dragons Ipsum
Word Lists: Dungeons & Dragons
. Ability damaged adventuring party aquatic subtype astral plane creature type damage earth subtype end of round energy drain ethereal plane inherent bonus melee natural profane bonus racial hit die saving throw skill rank spell preparation spell slot stunned supernatural ability.
Ability check attack of opportunity living psionics spell threaten undead type. Critical roll earth subtype effective hit point increase enhancement bonus flank force damage fraction full-round action low-light vision mundane outsider type portal domain space unarmed attack.
Armor class casting time chaotic subtype climb cross-class skill energy drain engaged enhancement bonus extraordinary ability fast healing fire domain fraction gnome domain huge kind law domain native subtype natural armor bonus nonlethal damage portal domain ray rend spell preparation summon sun domain telepathy teleportation subschool trade domain travel domain wisdom.
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Ability check attack of opportunity living psionics spell threaten undead type. Critical roll earth subtype effective hit point increase enhancement bonus flank force damage fraction full-round action low-light vision mundane outsider type portal domain space unarmed attack.
Armor class casting time chaotic subtype climb cross-class skill energy drain engaged enhancement bonus extraordinary ability fast healing fire domain fraction gnome domain huge kind law domain native subtype natural armor bonus nonlethal damage portal domain ray rend spell preparation summon sun domain telepathy teleportation subschool trade domain travel domain wisdom.