Dungeons & Dragons Ipsum

Word Lists: Dungeons & Dragons

Ability damaged ability score astral plane attack roll cold immunity colossal concentrate on a spell enemy engaged falling objects fatigued fear cone fraction full normal hit points gold piece guardinal subtype monk party polymorph ranged attack roll school of magic size modifier spell failure. Class feature climb cold dangers construct type critical roll dragon type hardness improved grab party rebuke undead speed threaten. Ability score loss character competence bonus compulsion disease entangled fear effect fire immunity fly force damage helpless melee weapon monstrous humanoid type nauseated panicked positive energy prone racial hit die ranged touch attack shadow subschool shield bonus square starvation strength take 20 telepathic link trained will save.

Caster level check copper piece force damage huge immunity line of effect miss chance nonplayer character points of damage portal domain powerful charge repose domain. Ability score acid effects giant type paralysis rebuke undead sun domain threat range threatened square touch spell water dangers. Artifact battle grid blinded class compulsion subschool confused craft domain creation subschool falling fear ray heat dangers negate negative energy plane nonabilities paladin paralysis profane bonus repose domain shapechanger subtype shield bonus skill modifier slime domain spell failure starvation stunned time domain trample two-handed weapon unconscious.

Ability ally arcane spell failure damage enhancement bonus kind mundane overlap rend stable travel domain unarmed attack. Air domain cold immunity continuous damage copper piece dungeon master energy charge energy plane full-round action giant type heat dangers hit hit die improved evasion light weapon mundane paladin phantasm subschool range increment resistance bonus scribe scrying subschool shield bonus silver piece summon take 10 water domain.
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