Dungeons & Dragons Ipsum

Word Lists: Dungeons & Dragons

Base land speed creature druid eladrin subtype ethereal experience points extraordinary ability fear aura fly force damage humanoid type lawful level adjustment level loss living construct subtype natural weapon overlap reach weapon reptilian subtype school of magic scribe skill check skill points spider domain strength swarm subtype total cover touch spell turning check unconscious. Ability decrease ability drained cast a spell class feature cowering craft domain creature type death domain divination dwarf domain enchantment illusion domain incorporeal subtype inner planes invisible lava effects low-light vision necromancy reflex save spontaneous casting.

Ability check base attack bonus base land speed casting time cold subtype comatose drowning gargantuan good domain magic domain move action negative energy plane orc domain powerful charge racial bonus result round school of magic scrying subschool spellcaster teleportation subschool touch spell undeath domain wizard. Action ally augmented subtype catching on fire charm domain construct type creature type damage reduction dodge bonus electrum enchantment fear aura flight melee touch attack point of origin range increment scry small suffering domain suppress tyranny domain wizard yugoloth subtype.

Alignment failure illusion manufactured weapons melee attack move action outer plane polymorph positive energy regeneration repose domain supernatural ability threatened square. Ability score ability score loss adjacent air domain automatic miss blindsight constrict dead death attack earth domain end of round energy plane evil domain granted power helpless luck domain natural ability nonabilities party shadow subschool spell version take damage trade domain.
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