Dungeons & Dragons Ipsum
Word Lists: Dungeons & Dragons
Burrow construct type disabled flight improved evasion kind negate nobility domain poison rend thirst. Ability command undead damage deafened energy drain full-round action gaseous form grapple check healing subschool initiative living special quality surprise threatened square tyranny domain untrained. Ability drain angel subtype artifact casting time comatose dragon type entangled fey type hit die infection negative energy nonintelligent skill sorcerer spell preparation spider domain square standard action target threat unconscious yugoloth subtype.
Arcane spell copper piece eladrin subtype failure family domain frightened full-round action grapple check infection negative energy outer plane outsider type points of damage positive energy scry swim take 10. Class falling objects ice effects level melee attack bonus paralysis racial hit die shield bonus spell completion item surprise threat travel domain. 0-level spell ability score loss astral plane chaotic subtype dispel check divination effective character level huge insight bonus knowledge domain level adjustment melee attack roll melee weapon monk paralyzed plane of shadow range penalty special ability thirst.
Action current hit points divination evocation extraplanar subtype fear ray fraction gold piece healing domain healing subschool inner planes ocean domain ray spell failure subject thirst total cover transitive plane undead type water dangers. Circumstance bonus competence bonus family domain fate domain gnome domain hardness hit points line of effect nonplayer character poison turned tyranny domain. Ability score loss divination dying environment evil domain frightful presence granted power ice effects illusion domain monstrous humanoid type necromancy smoke effects will save wizard.
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Arcane spell copper piece eladrin subtype failure family domain frightened full-round action grapple check infection negative energy outer plane outsider type points of damage positive energy scry swim take 10. Class falling objects ice effects level melee attack bonus paralysis racial hit die shield bonus spell completion item surprise threat travel domain. 0-level spell ability score loss astral plane chaotic subtype dispel check divination effective character level huge insight bonus knowledge domain level adjustment melee attack roll melee weapon monk paralyzed plane of shadow range penalty special ability thirst.
Action current hit points divination evocation extraplanar subtype fear ray fraction gold piece healing domain healing subschool inner planes ocean domain ray spell failure subject thirst total cover transitive plane undead type water dangers. Circumstance bonus competence bonus family domain fate domain gnome domain hardness hit points line of effect nonplayer character poison turned tyranny domain. Ability score loss divination dying environment evil domain frightful presence granted power ice effects illusion domain monstrous humanoid type necromancy smoke effects will save wizard.