Stuff White People Like Ipsum

Word Lists: Stuff White People Like

Moleskine notebooks the onion grammar rugby dinner parties kitchen gadgets the sunday new york times arrested development 80s night having two last names farmer's markets religions their parents don't belong to. The world cup mad men moleskine notebooks funny or ironic tattoos promising to learn a new language facebook unpaid internships children's games as adults grammar scarves bad memories of high school musical comedy oscar parties gentrification standing still at concerts lawyers apologies sarah silverman apple products netflix traveling awareness tea asian girls barack obama film festivals.

The world cup banksy black music that black people don't listen to anymore america halloween facebook having gay friends outdoor performance clothes the wire hating corporations musical comedy bottles of water michel gondry kitchen gadgets indie music netflix snowboarding not having a tv david sedaris writers workshops being an expert on your culture hating their parents having black friends diversity farmer's markets assists film festivals religions their parents don't belong to.

Moleskine notebooks the onion being offended having gay friends shorts threatening to move to canada being the only white person around natural medicine dogs the daily show/colbert report vegan/vegetarianism snowboarding being an expert on your culture. Conan o'brien banksy where the wild things are promising to learn a new language america appearing to enjoy classical music unpaid internships girls with bangs the idea of soccer musical comedy study abroad being the only white person around mos def co-ed sports recycling knowing what's best for poor people japan kitchen gadgets whole foods and grocery co-ops plays david sedaris writers workshops diversity farmer's markets coffee.
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The cream ip sum young guy