Stuff White People Like Ipsum

Word Lists: Stuff White People Like

The world cup conan o'brien camping halloween frisbee sports the onion appearing to enjoy classical music music piracy outdoor performance clothes shorts multilingual children dogs living by the water irony vintage arts degrees sushi arrested development breakfast places vegan/vegetarianism 80s night marathons wine wes anderson movies diversity assists religions their parents don't belong to coffee. The onion rugby music piracy bottles of water threatening to move to canada being the only white person around standing still at concerts japan irony wrigley field not having a tv wine hating their parents making you feel bad about not going outside film festivals.

Hating people who wear ed hardy funny or ironic tattoos taking a year off america hummus girls with bangs free healthcare san francisco the idea of soccer threatening to move to canada divorce expensive sandwiches lawyers manhattan (now brooklyn too!) writers workshops yoga. Camping where the wild things are taking a year off the onion appearing to enjoy classical music self aware hip hop references free healthcare study abroad michel gondry co-ed sports bicycles not having a tv farmer's markets film festivals coffee.

Banksy black music that black people don't listen to anymore pea coats children's games as adults book deals having gay friends the wire hating corporations knowing what's best for poor people asian fusion food public radio netflix architecture marijuana snowboarding 80s night microbreweries writers workshops wes anderson movies farmer's markets film festivals. The ted conference where the wild things are self aware hip hop references children's games as adults the ivy league the wire the idea of soccer modern furniture michel gondry the sunday new york times sushi arrested development breakfast places 80s night wine being an expert on your culture non-profit organizations film festivals.
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