Yoga Glossary Ipsum

Word Lists: Yoga Glossary

A colon cleansing technique. a philosophy according to which there is no duality, only a singular state of consciousness. a stage in the experience of the rise of kundalini when the breath stops and becomes congealed low in the body. active yoga performed in a hot environment. afflictions or tensions, according to yoga there are 5 such afflictions present in humans from birth. agni kriya akasha alabdha bhumikatva antar antar dhauti ardha padmasana arjuna arjuna and his five brothers, the heroes of the mahabharata. author of the yoga sutras and preacher of the eight-fold (ashtanga) yoga, name of the first writer of the yoga philosophy. bahir bhramara vedha brahmanand brahmarandra chakra concentrating the attention upon an external object such as a candle flame. cow's face' posture crocodile dandayamana bibhaktapada janushirasana danta dhauti dhauti divine presence governing the yamas & niyamas. dugdha neti dukha eka pada galavasana ether or space. four ancient texts- rig, yajur, sama, atharva, which are further divided into samhita, brahmana, aranayaka and upanishads. they.

A cleansing technique in which the air swallowed into the stomach is belched out. a cleansing technique that involves the cleansing of the stomach by drinking in water and then expelling it by inducing vomiting. a philosophy according to which there is no duality, only a singular state of consciousness. abhasan additional name for the great mother. air element antar arjuna and his five brothers, the heroes of the mahabharata. bahir kumbhaka bhakti yoga chidanand dandayamana bibhaktapada paschimottanasana darshan devotion exhalation flow of breath in the left nostril.

A force of sattva that is most likely to occur between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and sunrise. a posture in which organs and muscles are contracted to create energy lock in a specific area. a tantric text. abhyasa akbar an ancient kashmiri king who invited the sage atri gupta to come live in his court to teach him shaivism; from atri gupta the line of teachers of kashmir shaivism descended. an experience of the rise of kundalini that is like a cobra rising. ananda aparigraha ardha chandrasana with pada-hastasana ardha matsyendrasana bahiranga trataka bandha bhujapidasana chandra nadi dhanurasana flow of breath in the left nostril forearm stand..
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