Yoga Glossary Ipsum

Word Lists: Yoga Glossary

A causeway or berm built next to a body of water. a force of sattva that is most likely to occur between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and sunrise. a major figure in the mahabharata, a woman who became a man. a philosophy according to which there is no duality, only a singular state of consciousness. a stage in the experience of the rise of kundalini when the breath stops and becomes congealed low in the body. action, the act of doing. ahamkara an experience of the rise of kundalini in which kundalini takes the form of energy. an experience of the rise of kundalini in which kundalini takes the form of semen. anahata chakra anusara yoga author of the yoga sutras and preacher of the eight-fold (ashtanga) yoga, name of the first writer of the yoga philosophy. avidya bhujapidasana breathing technique - is the 'alternate nostril breathing' or 'balanced breathing' - balances the energy flow in the channels and purifies the energy channels (nadi) by balancing the flow of breath through the right and left nostrils. breathing technique which involves gulping air and swallowing it into the stomach and retaining it. buddhi cloth woven from the wool of a species of goat that lives in the high himalayas. dharana dosha eka pada galavasana energy center in the "subtle body" associated in the "physical body" with the heart. energy lock created by the contraction of the perineum in the male and the cervix in the female. final stage of yoga in which concentration becomes one with the object of concentration; supreme union, absorption, state of god consciousness, realization of one's own nature, the eighth of the eight stages of classic yoga. foot; section of a literary work..
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