Yoga Glossary Ipsum

Word Lists: Yoga Glossary

A cleansing technique that involves the cleansing of the stomach by drinking in water and then expelling it by inducing vomiting. a diagram or pictorial representation of a mantram. a force of sattva that is most likely to occur between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and sunrise. a god or being. a long, thin, shallow, often partially canopied, gondolalike wooden boat used for transportation on the lakes in kashmir. ajna chakra antar dhauti anu ardha matsyendrasana ashtanga yoga ashvamedha avatar bahiranga trataka bandha bas breath exercise of even inhalation and exhalation that involves all respiratory muscles. chakra chidanand child's pose. cloth woven from the wool of a species of goat that lives in the high himalayas. credited as being the ancient sanskrit grammarian. crocodile pose. dhanurasana eighteen ancient books consisting of legends and mythological narrations dealing with creation, recreation and the genealogies of sages and rulers. eka pada kapotasana ekagrata.

A causeway or berm built next to a body of water. a collection of hindu spiritual writings following from the vedas. a deep relaxation technique also called 'yogic sleep' in which mind and body is at complete rest but with complete awareness. a hindu holy man, or ascetic. a kind of breathing technique which produces a light sonorous sound. a posture in which organs and muscles are contracted to create energy lock in a specific area. a shatkarma technique - also referred as the short intestinal wash. involves the drinking of several glasses of water and the expelling it through stool after a series of exercises (asanas); in the process a thorough cleansing of the colon takes place. a spine twisting pose. abdominal massage' - a cleansing technique (shatkarma) involving the contraction of the rectus abdominal muscles. agni kriya agornatha ajapa japa akasha anahata chakra antar arjuna bahir bhujangasana brahma brahman breathing exercise manipulating of the diaphragm while the breath is held out. chakra located at the base of the spine "energy center in the subtle body". continuous chanting i.e repetition of a mantra cosmic causal state. dandayamana janushirasana ego eka pada kapotasana flying crow pose..

A cleansing technique in which the air swallowed into the stomach is belched out. a deep relaxation technique also called 'yogic sleep' in which mind and body is at complete rest but with complete awareness. a site in kashmir where the shiva sutras are said to be carved in the face-down surface of a rock, called shankarpal, lying in a river. a yoga gesture in which one focusses at the mid-eyebrow centre. action, the act of doing. agni kriya ajna chakra ashtanga yoga ashvamedha badibod bhajans bhakti yoga bhrumadhya bij devi energy channels in the body, similar to the meridians in acupuncture..
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