Yoga Glossary Ipsum

Word Lists: Yoga Glossary

A deep relaxation technique also called 'yogic sleep' in which mind and body is at complete rest but with complete awareness. a force of sattva that is most likely to occur between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and sunrise. a long, thin, shallow, often partially canopied, gondolalike wooden boat used for transportation on the lakes in kashmir. a philosophy according to which there is no duality, only a singular state of consciousness. a session of devotional singing, chanting or meditation. acharya adho mukha svanasana adho mukha vrksasana pose adwaita amarnath caves anavamala asan point baddha konasana bhastrika pranayama breath exercise of even inhalation and exhalation that involves all respiratory muscles. breathing exercise manipulating of the diaphragm while the breath is held out. chit kundalini concentrating the attention upon an external object such as a candle flame. dhanurasana dhyana easy breath eka pada galavasana energy center located in the heart region, fourth of the seven chakras. experience, realization. fainting or swooning breath' in which the breath is inhaled slowly and retained for an extended period..

"seed" syllable of a mantram, energy source that gives power to the mantram. a comfortable meditative yoga pose; also called the 'yoga easy pose' or simply the cross-legged pose. a site in kashmir where the shiva sutras are said to be carved in the face-down surface of a rock, called shankarpal, lying in a river. a stage in the experience of the rise of kundalini when the breath stops and becomes congealed low in the body. afflictions or tensions, according to yoga there are 5 such afflictions present in humans from birth. ahimsa ajapa japa an experience of the rise of kundalini that is like a cobra rising. an experience with the rise of kundalini that is like the buzzing of a black bee. ananda balasana anu ardha chandrasana with pada-hastasana ardha padmasana author of the yoga sutras and preacher of the eight-fold (ashtanga) yoga, name of the first writer of the yoga philosophy. back stretching pose, seated forward bend. brahma bund compass pose. cooling breath, a pranayama technique that lowers the body temperature by inhaling through the mouth while letting the breath flow in over the tongue. crocodile emanating from yamnotri in the himalayas and joining ganga near allahabd, north india;refers to pingala nadi in the pranic body. existence-knowledge-bliss. fire, the god of fire..

A diagram or pictorial representation of a mantram. a hindu holy man, or ascetic. a language used in of yoga, hinduism and buddhism, and an official languages of india, considered "historical". a philosophy according to which there is no duality, only a singular state of consciousness. an ancient kashmiri king who invited the sage atri gupta to come live in his court to teach him shaivism; from atri gupta the line of teachers of kashmir shaivism descended. an experience of the rise of kundalini in which kundalini takes the form of energy. an experience with the rise of kundalini that is like the buzzing of a black bee. an incarnation of god. angamejaytatva aparigraha ardha chandrasana with pada-hastasana ashtanga yoga ashvamedha avatar bas basti bhagvad gita brahmacharya brahmanand breathing technique in which inhalation is done through the right nostril ; increases vitality. chidanand crocodile pose. eight fold path of yoga: yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, samadhi, a vigorous yoga to build strength, flexibility, and stamina. classic yoga writings, the yoga sutras, were compiled 200 years b.c.e. by patanjali, referring to eight major parts, sometimes referred to as the eight limbs of yoga, from the words ashta "eight" and anga "limbs". energy center located in the heart region, fourth of the seven chakras. experience, realization. flow of breath in the left nostril.
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