Basketball Terms Ipsum
Word Lists: Basketball Terms
Dpoy defensive rebound percentage (available since the 1970-71 season in the nba); the formula is 100 * (drb * (tm mp / 5)) / (mp * (tm drb + opp orb)). defensive rebound percentage is an estimate of the percentage of available defensive rebounds a player grabbed while he was on the floor. ft fta free throw attempts gmsc gs league most valuable player mov offensive rating (available since the 1977-78 season in the nba); for players it is points produced per 100 posessions, while for teams it is points scored per 100 possessions. this rating was developed by dean oliver, author of basketball on paper. i will point you to dean's book for complete details. orb per a statistic (e.g., assists) divided by minutes played, multiplied by 36. possessions (available since the 1973-74 season in the nba); the formula for teams is 0.5 * ((tm fga + 0.4 * tm fta - 1.07 * (tm orb / (tm orb + opp drb)) * (tm fga - tm fg) + tm tov) + (opp fga + 0.4 * opp fta - 1.07 * (opp orb / (opp orb + tm drb)) * (opp fga - opp fg) + opp tov)). this formula estimates possessions based on both the team's statistics and their opponent's statistics, then averages them to provide a more stable estimate. the formula for players is rather lengthy and can be found in dean oliver's book. rookie of the year stops; dean oliver's measure of individual defensive stops. please see dean's book for details. turnovers (available since the 1977-78 season in the nba) total rebounds (available since the 1950-51 season) total rebound percentage (available since the 1970-71 season in the nba); the formula is 100 * (trb * (tm mp / 5)) / (mp * (tm trb + opp trb)). total rebound percentage is an estimate of the percentage of available rebounds a player grabbed while he was on the floor. wins.
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