Basketball Terms Ipsum

Word Lists: Basketball Terms

2-point field goal attempts 3p 3-point field goal percentage (available since the 1979-80 season in the nba); the formula is 3p / 3pa. 3pa assists field goals (includes both 2-point field goals and 3-point field goals) fg% fga field goal attempts (includes both 2-point field goal attempts and 3-point field goal attempts) g gmsc game score; the formula is pts + 0.4 * fg - 0.7 * fga - 0.4*(fta - ft) + 0.7 * orb + 0.3 * drb + stl + 0.7 * ast + 0.7 * blk - 0.4 * pf - tov. game score was created by john hollinger to give a rough measure of a player's productivity for a single game. the scale is similar to that of points scored, (40 is an outstanding performance, 10 is an average performance, etc.). offensive rebounds (available since the 1973-74 season in the nba) pace pf team trb usage percentage (available since the 1977-78 season in the nba); the formula is 100 * ((fga + 0.44 * fta + tov) * (tm mp / 5)) / (mp * (tm fga + 0.44 * tm fta + tm tov)). usage percentage is an estimate of the percentage of team plays used by a player while he was on the floor..
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