Weather Definitions Ipsum
Word Lists: Weather Definitions
Absolute humidity: a type of humidity that considers the mass of water vapor present per unit volume of space. also considered as the density of the water vapor. it is usually expressed in grams per cubic meter. absolute temperature scale: a temperature scale with a freezing point of +273.
Absolute humidity: a type of humidity that considers the mass of water vapor present per unit volume of space. also considered as the density of the water vapor. it is usually expressed in grams per cubic meter. absolute instability: when the lapse rate of a column of air is greater than the dry adiabatic lapse rate. the term absolute is used because this applies whether or not the air is dry or saturated. absolute temperature scale: a temperature scale with a freezing point of +273.
. Absolute humidity: a type of humidity that considers the mass of water vapor present per unit volume of space. also considered as the density of the water vapor. it is usually expressed in grams per cubic meter. absolute instability: when the lapse rate of a column of air is greater than the dry adiabatic lapse rate. the term absolute is used because this applies whether or not the air is dry or saturated. absolute temperature scale: a temperature scale with a freezing point of +273.
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Absolute humidity: a type of humidity that considers the mass of water vapor present per unit volume of space. also considered as the density of the water vapor. it is usually expressed in grams per cubic meter. absolute instability: when the lapse rate of a column of air is greater than the dry adiabatic lapse rate. the term absolute is used because this applies whether or not the air is dry or saturated. absolute temperature scale: a temperature scale with a freezing point of +273.
. Absolute humidity: a type of humidity that considers the mass of water vapor present per unit volume of space. also considered as the density of the water vapor. it is usually expressed in grams per cubic meter. absolute instability: when the lapse rate of a column of air is greater than the dry adiabatic lapse rate. the term absolute is used because this applies whether or not the air is dry or saturated. absolute temperature scale: a temperature scale with a freezing point of +273.