Idioms Ipsum

Word Lists: Idioms

A tightwad an egghead before long broke by one's self can't make heads or tails of something chow down cram feel blue get a kick out of something hard feelings hassle in stock in the red in time keep one's chin up lend someone a hand lose track of macho pop quiz shoot the breeze sort of step on it until you're blue in the face used to you've got to be kidding zip your lip. And then some beat cool get on one's nerves had better hard feelings have one's hands full no way pull an all-nighter tight-fisted.

A low blow all right be broke be in and out be on the road be used to beats me bug hard feelings lose track of nuke on time pretty upside down used to with bells on yucky. All right be a piece of cake break a leg buck by the skin of one's teeth cool it do a bang-up job drag one's feet jump the gun let-down macho schmooze wet behind the ears. A quick study and then some be over be used to bite off more than one can chew catch one's eye couch potato feel puny have one's hands full keep in touch ok pull an all-nighter so-so stay in touch tricky.

Be on the go be used to call it a day change one's mind chow down cram fire someone in stock kind of nuke shoot the breeze wet behind the ears with bells on. A bundle a snap at the eleventh hour be over be up and running boom box bug call it a day cram dicey ditch class easy does it fender-bender get going get it get on one's nerves grab a bite how come in the red jump all over someone live and let live pay the piper she made her bed; now let her lie in it there, there toss something until hell freezes over until you're blue in the face up-to-date would just as soon you don't say.
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