Spongebob Ipsum

Word Lists: Spongebob

That's it mister! you just lost your brain priviliges! it's not just any boulder... ... ..it's a rock! well, it may be stupid, but it's also dumb. spongebob doesn't have hair. or does he? ... pants ripped off. huh? someone call the police, there's a pants thief on the loose do instruments of torture count? i had 4 biscuits and then i ate one. then i only had 3! put those eyeballs back in your head, son! my ice cream! it's alive! aaaahhhhhhh! remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets. attention all employees! just giving you a heads-up. i'll be conducting a surprise uniform inspection in one hour. whoever doesn't pass gets the boot..
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We put the hip back in Ipsum (h is silent)