Spongebob Ipsum

Word Lists: Spongebob

Patrick! you forgot how to eat again! come on, we'll get the funnel. i'm so cold, i can use my nose drippings as chopsticks. the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma. you're a man now, spongebob, and it's time you started acting like one. we're in squidwards body, no wonder it smells funny in here. i am the master at kara-tay. you can't fool me. i listen to public radio! a five letter word for happiness... money. who you callin' pinhead?! more soup for your arm pit? i had 4 biscuits and then i ate one. then i only had 3! seaweed: 50% sea, 50% weed. my ice cream! it's alive! aaaahhhhhhh! i'm mad. i can't see my forehead. remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets. oh, tartar sauce. they don't call me cheeks for nothing. how 'bout some soup on your best day ever? hear me krabs, when i discover your formula for krabby patties, i'll run you out of business! i went to college!.

What has four wings and flies? a garbage truck! patrick! you forgot how to eat again! come on, we'll get the funnel. it's not just any boulder... ... ..it's a rock! did you hear about the goldfish that went bankrupted? now he's a bronzefish. sponge, i'm a big man. a big, big man! patrick! your genius is showing! do instruments of torture count? don't stand too close to a squirrel, billy. you'll catch its stupid. my ice cream! it's alive! aaaahhhhhhh! the boy cries you a sweater of tears... and you kill him. holographic meatloaf? my favorite! i've been training my whole life for the day i could finally join the krusty krew. did you order twenty cases of... ripped pants?! how 'bout some soup on your best day ever? mr. krabs! the krabby patty is haunted!.

What has four wings and flies? a garbage truck! it's not just any boulder... ... ..it's a rock! you're a man now, spongebob, and it's time you started acting like one. moss always points to civilization. it's a vast swirling wonderland of sparkling white pleasure. let it fill your senses with cascading fluffy pillows of excitement, and comfort, as you've never felt before. did you hear about the goldfish that went bankrupted? now he's a bronzefish. oh! i didn't realize it was happy hopping moron day! patrick! your genius is showing! do instruments of torture count? i have checks, with little poodles on them. we don't really have these powers! the powers are in the costumes. why else would we wear underwear over our pants? will you please stop leaving your undergarments on my front lawn? i'm mad. i can't see my forehead. excuse me sir? you're sitting on my face... which is also my body. go out and get yourself a case of the krabbies. do you smell it? that smell. a kind of smelly smell. the smelly smell that smells... smelly..
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